Whitegold - 170 Mid Autumn by Darkflagrance

Map Description:

A progressing fort with significant development and megaprojecting both above and below ground. It has just celebrated its 52nd year of existence, but is on the brink of collapse.

Some notable features about this fort include the fact that the player race was modded to live only 12 years at max and had litters of 1-3, the number and dangerousness of all animals were increased (groundhogs could rip your head off), and nine civs existed for the purpose of sieging my fort, resulting in one siege per season.

The purpose of this fort was to observe the dynamics of a race with a short lifespan over a long span of time. The building was the result of boredom.

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2010-06-23

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Submitted by: Steve - 2010-06-19 to 170 Mid Autumn

Wicked fort, 52 years is pretty impressive, especially with short life spans.

Submitted by: Darkflagrance - 2010-06-23 to 170 Mid Autumn

I think some of the current inhabitants of the fort are the 10th or higher generation of their families to live here. I've begun to give them special names to keep track of bloodlines.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2010-06/darkflagrance-Pointysculpted-Whitegold2-170-23773.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
