Cryptsnarled-Scramble - 1052 Early Spring by timmeh

Map Description:

My first-year entry in the DF Scramble "succession" fortress.

Point of Interest: [01] - Ground Level

An overview of the ground level of the fortress. Has a small wall and moat, as well as two mini-towers (1 z-level). Most of the stockpiles are still out here, if only because I haven't had time to move them inside yet.

As you can see, the cats have been busy massacring various vermin. I keep having to move and add onto the refuse stockpile to keep it out of the fortress :P

To the north is the new trade depot. I built it so we could funnel the traders, since the last batch decided to walk right past one of the Cyclopes to the south. The two levers control the bridges.

The three ramps one tile north of this PoI lead down into the fortress. - timmeh

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2010-06-10

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Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2010-06-10 to 1052 Early Spring

I love your fort entrance. Very small and innocuous. Time to get ambitious with digging deeper IMO, since you seem to have a functional industrial area now that can feed, furnish, and protect the fortress.

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