Morulingtak - 1053 Early Spring by puke

Map Description:

This is Morulingtak, Pagetwilights.

It is my fouth attempt at an Elephant Processing Fortress. The first attempt didnt route the Elephants through long chutes inside the mountain, and relied on the "inverted C" shape animal traps that are common on other fortress designs.

The second attempt was not hauling-optimized, and most of the meat rotted and hence I had to suppliment the design with farming.

The third attempt used cage traps and a large number of things went horribly wrong. Dont rely on cage traps for massive elephant processing. Even if the Elephants did not overflow the cages, problems with hauling and taming would have been enough to ruin the fort anyway.

In this Fourth Attempt, I constrained myself by not crossing the cave river. This significantly limited the availability of metal and, as you can see, only 50% of my Elephant Chutes are trapped and operational. I will have to wait for a seige to come before I have enough weapons to bring it up to 100% capacity.

Before that happens, I will need to sort out how I am storing and processing elephants, and problaby setup an outside stockpile to dispose of bones and things.

I wrote a little story about the fort and posted it on the Bay 12 Games forums....

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2007-09-20

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Submitted by: schm0 - 2007-09-14 to 1053 Early Spring

Love the entrance... Very nice. :)

Submitted by: Preservationist! - 2007-09-15 to 1053 Early Spring

This is madness.

Submitted by: Qagh - 2007-09-16 to 1053 Early Spring


And a really neat one at that.

Submitted by: Anxiety - 2007-09-20 to 1053 Early Spring

I like the chute system. It's far more sophisticated and less chaotic than my "funnel everything toward the main entrance" method.

Also: Big "O", showtime!

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