Spongytown (Kobold Camp) - 502 Late Summer by KaelemGaen

Map Description:

A year later from first post only some changes

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2010-03-11

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Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2010-03-07 to 501 Mid Summer

Cute, I assume you're using some mod so that you play as kobolds. Hehe, cool of you to use a abondend human town, I like it. It also seems to be the sort of thing kobolds would do.

Submitted by: KaelemGaen - 2010-03-11 to 501 Mid Summer

Yeah I'm using Kobold Camp (Redux) with a few extra mods. I added in the option to make stone "Knapped" Serrated Discs then noticed my bolds can't make Trap componates.

anyways if you wanna try it out here's a link to the "latest" I believe

[Message edited on 2010/03/11 at 10:50 by KaelemGaen]

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2010-03/kaelemgaen-Spongytown-region3-502-19619.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
