The Monks of Artifice, seven brave dwarfs with a unified vision live in Crafted Abbey. Their vision? To create a shine to Saint Urist, Patron Saint of all dwarfs, and humorous stories.
They brought with them a heavy burden, hundreds of pounds of Kimberlite. It was mined from the very mine Saint Urist was said to have kicked out a support, and became one with the earth in a earth shaking crash.
They live, secluded and secure, within their monastery, giving aid to those who need it, in exchange for tales of the outside, of fortress's gone awry, and perhaps, other tales of Saint Urist.
The monastery of Crafted Abbey began, only a year ago, as a crook in an unnamed brook. In our wandering, we heard stories of Saint Urist's wanderings in the region, and found that, in the very clearing our monastery now rests in, Saint Urist himself rested in the shade of a tree. It seemed natural to build our monastery here, in this sacred glade, and even as we hear the goblins chittering outside, we feel secure, bathed in his holy memory
-Brother Superior, Zuglar Soundhall - Cypress
There are 9 comments for this map series, last post 2010-01-27
SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: McDolomite - 2010-01-24 to 202 Early Spring
Nice little story, this fort has character.
Submitted by: PieAwesomeness - 2010-01-26 to 202 Early Spring
Wait... What is that... at the bottom? Is it an Elf or an Elephant?
Submitted by: Cypress - 2010-01-26 to 202 Early Spring
Which bottom? South? Or down? Also, it's probably an elf, not an elephant. Since the map was taken in spring, it would sync with the elves' schedule
[Message edited on 2010/01/26 at 04:19 by Cypress]
Submitted by: PieAwesomeness - 2010-01-26 to 203 Early Winter
So, why is there a channel next to the farm in the religious area? Anyway, thats pretty awesome with the migrants in a different area. :)
Submitted by: PieAwesomeness - 2010-01-26 to 202 Early Spring
Bottom of the land,top view map, didnt see your post. And btw, im not a member so... Anyway, this is still a pretty good mega construction. And the story behind it is also good too.
Submitted by: Kirurist - 2010-01-27 to 204 Late Autumn
This is seriously awesome for some reason.
off to make my (holy) citadel tower to Armok made out of nothing but sylvite and serpentine.
Submitted by: Cypress - 2010-01-27 to 204 Late Autumn
Awww, thank ye
Just remember, a shrine to Armok should be red. Much redder than a shrine to Saint Urist. Also, remember to include sacraficial ledges for hurling animals and nobles off of.
Blood for the blood god!
Submitted by: name - 2010-01-27 to 204 Late Autumn
Constructed floors don't make the thing beneath them count as underground, So rotting food in your food stockpile will never cause miasma.
Submitted by: Cypress - 2010-01-27 to 204 Late Autumn
Hmmm...gonna have to put a lid on that stockpile then. Make another story