Falseriver - 203 Late Autumn by Tiogshi

Map Description:

I've just broken my first ever three-consecutive-season siege, and boy is it a mess in my trade depot. It's the 7th of late autumn now, and when the elves arrive in the spring there's still gonna be ankle-deep blood, bones, and guts all over the depot.

My dwarves can't even keep up with setting tables in my new catacomb dining chamber, much less cleaning this mess up. It's gonna be a long, smelly winter.

Point of Interest: Ridiculous Mess

( 203 Late Autumn → 203 Late Autumn )

This is what the remains of ~30 out of the 45 sieging Orcs looks like. None of them made it down the first stairwell, and one or two were killed by the trade tunnel catapult, below... but the rest were butchered by traps, killed by hammerdwarves, or captured in the cages. In fact, I trapped a legendary swordorc who ran too eagerly to the fray.

Either way, we'll be mopping up Orc blood, carving Orc totems and arrows, and smelting Orc armor for years. I don't know how other people keep up with this stuff. - Tiogshi

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