The fortifications are nearly done, but with more and more goblin ambushes occuring, and our only baby stolen, and jobs happening slower and slower, Merchantswims is starting to get more and more unstable.
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2010-01-07
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Submitted by: Servu - 2010-01-05 to 263 Early Spring
This fortress smells like an ocean megaproject! By the way, are those walls all wood or do you have a hidden mudstone mine there somewhere?
Submitted by: digitCruncher - 2010-01-07 to 264 Early Spring
Yeah... this is a map with no picks, and no trading for picks. Oh yes, and no dwarves on the map (all wiped out by heavy modding on world-gen, everyone died before coming of age, so no babies), so no dwarven caravans, and no immigrants :D
But yes, I plan on making a steel ship to get off this cursed continent. Yay for dwarven steam-ship! Powered by chests and charcoal!
And because I had no picks for 2 years, all the walls (and everything except the smelter, and metalsmiths forge, and mechanisms) is made from wood. Until I mined underground in 264