Rhymestakes - 302 Mid Spring by Quietust

Map Description:

After having both Towerclouted and Wasprag succumb to lag (and general stagnation), I have embarked in a 3x3 region in the middle of a tropical moist broadleaf forest, conveniently next to a brook and magma pipe. Here I will cast an obsidian tower that will draw the envy of even the Goblins.

The first year has been fairly straightforward. I've made an attempt to minimize the size of the underground areas, as I'll be moving them into the tower once it's been completed.

Being in a tropical forest, none of the seasons carry much significance beyond the calendar - it's warm all year round, though it's quite humid as well, preventing the pools from evaporating away. There is, however, plenty of interesting wildlife - so far, I've spotted elephants, gorillas, giant leopards, tigermen, snailmen, and several types of gibbons. There's also lots of lungfish flopping around.

The Elves decided to start out on the right foot, bringing me giant jaguar and a hippo, both female.

While this region seems to be rather poor in metal ores (prospecting ahead of time revealed only iron ore, plus a bit of silver), I researched the ten Dwarven civilizations and chose one with access to all of the different metal ores, allowing me to get more than twice as much metal from them as I would be able to otherwise.

Point of Interest: Center

The very center of the region, and the site where I will cast my obsidian tower. - Quietust

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2010-01-31

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2009-11-12 to 309 Mid Spring

Very exciting indeed. This is a new trick Quietust.

Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-11-12 to 309 Mid Spring

I wouldn't say it's a new trick - players have been casting obsidian towers for years.

Submitted by: Fossaman - 2010-01-31 to 326 Early Spring

In case of armageddon, break glass. Very nice.

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