Firethrone - 202 Early Autumn by erdtirdmans

Map Description:

Shortly after the caravan arrived, we were able to recover Imush's corpse. Much of the outline of the underground bits of the fortress has been marked for mining.

Also, the caravan (which I don't think made it into the picture) HAS AN ANVIL! BOOYAH!

Point of Interest: Industrial Floor

( 202 Early Autumn → onwards )

The workshop floor, divided into four sections.

Roughly left to right
NW (Wood and stone): Bowyer, Mason, Jeweler, Carpenter, Craftsdwarf, Wood Furnace
N: Kennel
NE (Cloth & Leather) Mechanic (somewhat out of place, but still not far. The NW wing expands too fast for Mechanics to go there as well), Leatherworker, Dyer, Loom, Tanner, Clothier
SW Bars and Blocks: Craftsdwarf, Ashery, Magma Glass Furnace, Magma Kiln, Magma Smelter, Magma Forge
S: Siege Workshop
SE Food: Butcher, Butcher, Quern, Fishery, Air lock to Bone, Corpse, Shell and Hide Stockpile, Kitchen, Still, Farmer's
E: Seed Stockpile next to stairs to Farm and Greenhouse

* The 3x4 rooms around the middle are for a stacked screw pump waterfall assembly. They are not going to be workshops - erdtirdmans

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-27

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Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-11-09 to 205 Late Autumn

Looking good.

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2009-11-10 to 203 Mid Winter

I want to see this when it's done

Submitted by: erdtirdmans - 2009-11-27 to 205 Late Autumn

The slow crawl of magma flow and a tantrum spiral have severely delayed things, but i'll be sure to post an updated map when it's ready.

(over 200 coffins at the moment... i officially have more dead dwarves than live ones!)

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-10/erdtirdmans-Firethrone-region7-aut-202-202-2016.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
