AxeTower - 1067 Early Spring by Dark Sprite

Map Description:

Making a fort for the people of LUE. I name a dwarf after them and we watch as they die. XD

There are 10 comments for this map series, last post 2007-08-27

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Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2007-08-13 to 1060 Early Spring

So... it's a robot... with a penis?

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-08-15 to 1062 Early Spring

What does LUE mean?

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-08-21 to 1064 Early Spring

I spy with my beady eye... A HUGE ROBOT! Do the dwarves realise I wonder?

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-08-26 to 1067 Early Spring

Who is LUE? >.>

Very neat details in this fort, great effort.

By the way, its possible to create an antiflood loop that can remove the permanent magmaflood, but your fort kinda looks cool as it is ;)
[Message edited on 2007/08/26 at 11:34 by Markavian]

Submitted by: Dark Sprite - 2007-08-26 to 1067 Early Spring

GameFAQs board.


Wouldn't I have to sacrifice a dwarf to dig to the magma flood to make a antiflood loop? Though I do enjoy there deaths I don't want to do it on purpose. I'll step up something like yours for the next update and you can tell me if it's gonna work okay?

Submitted by: SL - 2007-08-26 to 1067 Early Spring

Not necessarily - you could design the output part of the antiflood generator to make it dump into a magma-filled channel which is part of the permaflood. Antifloods do pass through channels into non-channel areas if there is a flood in both.

There are a few places where you could stick a floodgate safely which would dump into a small confined area which leads to a magma-filled channel. For instance, you have a sort of "UU"-shaped magma channel, with a green gem one tile south of the bottom of the leftmost U, where the tile which is one space south and two spaces east of the gem would be an ideal place for an output floodgate. In fact, you could even build a floodgate right next to the channel safely. You could even make your antiflood generator pipe in magma from the western part of that same magma channel, using a floodgate adjacent to the channel, pipe the magma down to the south into a long loop (south of there, where you haven't excavated), pipe it back up to the previously mentioned tile near the gem, and have a floodgate for output there. (And a lone channel in the space to the right of that tile to prevent the magma from backflooding on itself and causing permawaves)

P.S. Antiflood loops which are powered by magma don't need to be as long as ones that're powered by water, but since flows move faster in channels than in empty tiles, you would still need a longer loop if you use channels in your loop.

[Message edited on 2007/08/26 at 05:52 by SL]

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-08-26 to 1067 Early Spring

Yeah, what SL says... in my fort, I had no open channel in which to connect the antiflood loop, so I had to channel/dig into open magma. You've piped yours out into the fortress so there is plenty of places to build and connect one without harming any dwarves.

Submitted by: Dark Sprite - 2007-08-26 to 1067 Early Spring

Just to make sure everything thing is correct I pretty much build a smaller "U" shape channel at the bottom of the "U" with floodgates at the end but the last floodgate isn't connected to the magma channel?

The magma will flow out the new magma channel and flood a closed off area back into the magma channel with the the permaflood canceling each other out?

Can I just hook both floodgates to the same lever or does the magma going down the channel have to keep moving. I wanna save that iron ore close by so I just build another channel blocking off towards that direction?

Submitted by: Dark Sprite - 2007-08-26 to 1067 Early Spring

Ah, well it doesn't matter now since my save won't load and crashes. =(

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-08-27 to 1067 Early Spring

:( .. you need two levers and open them in sequence (which is a bit tricky) otherwise the permaflood won't be generated.

When you close the first floodgate, the game does some pathfinding to work out of the body of fluid is connected to a source of fluid... and if it isn't, then it generates the antiflood. You have to open the second floodgate in order for the antiflood to escape, but it can only be opened after the first one is closed, so it takes a bit of careful timing with your dwarves.

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You can download the compressed map file: local_map-1-1067-30.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
