The Gates of Hell - 104 Early Spring by timmeh

Map Description:

The beginning of the fourth year, finished the road, added a towercap and obsidian farms, a new bedding floor, a second balcony (didn't end up using glass), raised the wall, and build statues along the road to force caravans along it, without being cheap about forcing siege and ambush spawns.

Started and trained more soldiers, I think I've got 10 legendary wrestlers at the moment, going to get some crossbow dwarves out of the next batch, then work on armor and weapons for the wrestlers.

Point of Interest: 1. The Gates

Changed my tileset a bit to add diagonal walls. Still working on getting a couple of the tiles touched up, but it looks fine here. I added statues along the entire road (which now reaches the edge of the map), which forces caravans to spawn in that corner, but doesn't control siege or ambush spawns.

I've built an archery range against the southern wall and set up a "goblin clothes" stockpile for later trading against the western wall. - timmeh

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-08-23

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Submitted by: _nil_ - 2009-08-23 to 103 Early Spring

I've always wanted to do more 45 degree stuff but I've never gotten right... this is pretty sweet tho. you should really get a tileset with smooth corners, like this one

(fyi you can carve fortifications into built walls)

[Message edited on 2009/08/23 at 03:34 by _nil_]

Submitted by: timmeh - 2009-08-23 to 103 Early Spring

Thanks! I may try to edit the tileset I've got to have diagonals, but the nice, clear ASCII tileset is growing on me...

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-08/timmeh-The Gates of Hell-region2-104-42.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
