Wrungtowers is a prosperous trade stop about midway between dwarven and human lands. The elves also visit on a yearly basis and have as yet not insulted us by attempting to curtail our wood harvesting efforts.
The fortress has plenty of food and alcohol at present (about 2400 and 1900 units respectively), an elite military of 11 (of 68) dwarves, and fairly reliable defenses. Now that we have firmly entrenched ourselves from a survival standpoint, attention has turned toward building our metal fabrication and cloth industries.
There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2009-10-15
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Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2009-09-06 to 214 Mid Summer
Yeah, aboveground plants won't grow on the mountain biome, as I found out myself D: . In response to bedrooms old district.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-09-09 to 214 Mid Summer
Hey, cool fort ... neat and tidy inside. I see you do that thing of rewalling after digging out seams that cross your rooms... like hidden spaces.
The great hall is quite impressive as is the entrance and fortifications.
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2009-09-14 to 219 Mid Autumn
Interesting fort. I suspect you COULD get the lightwell working by removing the tiled floors at the bottom, building dirt roads over them, then removing the dirt roads (this will create soil). 'Muddy' rock tiles don't grow grass AFAIK - rather, it takes soil and light.
YMMV, though.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-09-14 to 219 Mid Autumn
Oh wow... that's such a clever idea - to have different stones / metals locked away with individually coloured workshops- looks neat, tidy, and colourful ... and helps with the whole stone management business.
Submitted by: Momaw - 2009-09-15 to 219 Mid Autumn
Oh wow... that's such a clever idea - to have different stones / metals locked away with individually coloured workshops- looks neat, tidy, and colourful ... and helps with the whole stone management business.
At first I was just using that big middle stockpile to separate stones. That's why it's mostly divided between gray and dark red. I would use d-b-f to forbid the stone type I didn't want the mason to use, and then leave him to it. The problem with this was that as the fortress expanded down and out, the "nearest stone" got to be quite a long hike. So I built the locked rooms. :)
It's not ideal. The two problems are first that a legendary mason can Clutter the shop VERY quickly, and second, that a dwarf doesn't give you any forewarning of when he's about to fall asleep, so I had dwarves get annoyed because they had to sleep on stone.
Better would probably be to build open workshop areas, without doors or walls, so that other dwarves can come with stones and leave with finished things. Build a small stockpile around each workshop and separate them. Like electron clouds and nuclei. But then establish a "clean room" zone above and below the workshops so that they don't get confused by Zs, and stick to what's next to them.
[Message edited on 2009/09/15 at 05:38 by Momaw]
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-10-06 to 219 Mid Autumn
What about putting beds in the workshop rooms? And perhaps other home comforts? Airlocked food/drink? that can be restocked from the other side?
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-10-15 to 230 Early Winter
I like what you've done with the great hall
Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-10-15 to 230 Early Winter
Going to agree with markavian and say the themed workshops are neat. May nick that idea and incorporate into my 'house rules'.
# All mason workshops must be made of the material they are working with.