Year 1001 of Round 1 of the DF Masters Contest.
There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2009-07-14
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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: crash2455 - 2009-07-13 to 1005 Early Spring
Well, I just lost.
Submitted by: Meta - 2009-07-14 to 1005 Early Spring
The central tower is impressive and I greatly appreciate the red & yellow bridge. You should add POIs
And how do you defend against the gobelins? I didn't find your defenses.
Submitted by: Murray - 2009-07-14 to 1005 Early Spring
How did you remove any sign of the original river?
Submitted by: Murray - 2009-07-14 to 1005 Early Spring
Sorry - Just realized that completely removed that z-level.