Metalskull - 217 Early Summer by Noble Digger

Map Description:

Extensive magma piping has been dug to all corners of the fortress. A small wind power plant was built next to the volcano. The magma temple also in the volcano complex has been greatly expanded and a 2nd magma feed is ready to be tapped.

The great white wall around the fortress progresses steadily, and it is now becoming an imposing and noticeable part of the landscape. I'm not worrying too much about finishing the security and traps around the wall gates yet, as the wall still has another 5000+ blocks to go.

Deep within the fort, there are some new, complex magma workings.

Point of Interest: 00. Burning Clover

I made this as a present for my girlfriend, who used to use the name Clover. - Noble Digger

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-06-13

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Submitted by: Zona - 2009-06-10 to 212 Mid Summer

Thats alot of Bones.

Submitted by: VengefulDonut - 2009-06-13 to 212 Mid Summer

if you have the patience for small stockpile manipulation, you could draw something with turtle and lobster shells in the bone area

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-06/nobledigger-Metalskull-region1-217-11437.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
