Foresthall - 201 Early Spring by Aristoi

Map Description:

Population: 7
Created Wealth: unknown
Imported Wealth: unknown
Exported Wealth: unknown
Artifacts: n/a
Deaths: n/a


Forget all our previous good work scouting this vast continent. Something terrible has gone wrong. We're... lost.

I can hardly believe it myself, but it is hopeless. Without our maps, lost with our second wagon and half the squad, we have no chance to return to Mountainhome. We are already 9 months into an 18 month scouting mission.

I've decided to stop in this heavy forest and make the best of it. It is a poor place for a dwarf; flat and with so many blasted trees, but we need to prepare for the coming winter. If we wander looking for the perfect spot we might die before then.

Our most serious problem is that we are completely unsuited to civilian life. I've asked all of the men and there are none among us with a single useful skill. We know our crossbows and sneaking up on foes, but beyond that, I cannot say.

Let us hope Vakist blesses us with her craftsdwarfship and we live through the season.

--Sigun Gasoludib

[EDITOR'S NOTE: "Scouting Party" No non-military skills or items (I did bring 1 pick for military usage), reasonable food (about 9-12 months). ]

There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-27

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Submitted by: P-Luke - 2009-05-21 to 202 Early Spring

looks like a great start, can't wait to see this continue :)

Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-05-24 to 203 Early Spring

@P-Luke: Thank you! I appreciate the compliment!

Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-05-25 to 204 Early Spring

The trees are regrowing mighty fast!

Also, a question: do you have invaders turned on?

Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-05-25 to 204 Early Spring

@sneakeypete: I've been only trimming trees, not clear cutting whole swaths. I was hoping that would help them grow saplings. I actually have no idea if that's how it works!

Regarding invaders, there appear to be no goblins, though that was unintentional. I guess they were wiped out during map generation and I didn't notice. I am getting 2-3 kobold thieves with each caravan, but with about 40 war dogs now they are not too dangerous. Maybe a war with the elves once the towers are done....

Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-05-26 to 204 Early Spring

Ah. I've always worked on the principle that they grow up randomly, and thus more will be spawned if there's less trees there already taking up room. So i usually just clear cut the entire map every year or two.

Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-05-26 to 204 Early Spring

@sneakeypete: You might be right on that. I have read that they grow back even if there are no trees left. It would be nice to know for sure what was more efficient for tree creation.

Submitted by: P-Luke - 2009-05-26 to 205 Early Spring

wow, this is progressing quite steadily. seems like this will be an awesome project :)

Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-05-27 to 205 Early Spring

@P-Luke: Thanks! I really had no idea quite how much micromanagement it would take to build the towers. Not being able to build walls on floors means a lot of pre-planning. I basically have to decide what the next level up will be in order to put the roof on the current level!

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