Gearabbeys - 352 Early Spring by Iituem

Map Description:


Vignette: My Old Ore Cart
28th Obsidian, 351

"Born this afternoon they were," said Urgash, gesturing to the corner of the room with his mug. A bitch and two tiny pups were curled up in a stiff leather basket, covered with Urgash's cloak.

"Sign of prosperity, that," said Frey sagely. He took a swig of liquor and looked up at the solid chalk roof. Like the rest of the little apartment, it was decidedly spartan save for where Urgash had hung a glowbowl from the ceiling on some twine. "You taking this one, then?"

"I reckon so, aye. Close to the cages and the slaughterhouse, but not so close as to be noisy. You?"

"Any's as good as another. Might have to end up bunking with Broose, though." Frey rolled his eyes. "That's going to be a charm. At least he won't be bunking with Fath, I'm pretty sure one would eventually opt to murder the other."


Point of Interest: Beerhall

( 352 Early Spring → 354 Late Winter )

The centre of the community, the beerhall was the first building constructed by the stranded founders of Olonkulet; a cramped, undignified affair that had the benefits of a roof and somewhere to sit and drink glow wine.

It was later expanded to include a larger communal sleeping area and actual beer hall, as well as offices on the upper level. - Iituem

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-29

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Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-05-20 to 353 Early Spring

Nice little premise, seems like a small, fun fort where you can take your time with details.

Submitted by: El_Bingeroso - 2009-05-29 to 354 Early Spring

I like the brook flowing through your fort.

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