Foresthold - 110 Early Spring by timmeh

Map Description:

Lot's happened this year, not the least of which being the construction of the Great Hall, a new room I will be using to house pretty much anyone and everyone in the fortress come dinner time. It's about 40x30 tiles (41x31 cause I forgot about the tile I started on when designating) and three tiles high, with 16 massive pillars holding up the roof. (I know there aren't any cave-ins, and if they worked like they use to It'd still collapse, but this looks cooler).

There's more, but this time I'll probably get to add all the PoI I want, so I'll end the description here.

[EDIT]: Also, new tileset, I'll probably upload it later, if anyone wants it.

Point of Interest: 1. The Ground

The ground level of my fortress. A relatively small area with a big wall around it. The small statue garden has a glass floor, letting the light in on my better, but still just as small, statue garden below. Animals are chained up along the sides, I keep goblin PoWs along the back wall, and the farms near the entrance have been removed.

The farms were actually removed to make room for a waterfall system that, as you can probably tell from the mud near the lower-right, didn't work. Only one death though, before one of the dwarves managed to tear down the axle connecting the water-wheel to the pump, and it was just a new peasant immigrant, so it doesn't really matter.

The wooden building just north of the trade depot is the keep, and serves as the primary entrance into the underground portion of my fortress. The three weapon traps at the entrance are loaded with spiked wooden balls, and so are not particularly deadly. The second floor serves as a barracks, and the roof has some targets for my marks-dwarves. The two towers at the bottom near the bridge allow access to the gatehouse and wall, which has the lever for the drawbridge. - timmeh

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-09

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Submitted by: juice - 2009-03-19 to 102 Early Spring

Lookin good so far. What's with the logs in the river?

Submitted by: Jurph - 2009-03-20 to 102 Early Spring

I really like the spiral staircase design!

I suspect that the logs in the river fell in during moat construction: trees prevent channelling, so the trees were ordered to be chopped... then channels were designated before the logs got hauled off. I wish dwarves would move logs/stones away from the dig site like they do when placing workshops!

Anyway timmeh, it's a good solid aboveground fort. If I were on this map I'd be very worried about trees growing to block my wagon access. Are you planning to build a road? Will it be lined with watch-towers, or will the edges be sprinkled with traps?

Submitted by: timmeh - 2009-03-24 to 103 Early Spring

@juice - Thanks!

The logs are, like Jurph suggested, from loose logs being on the tiles when they were mined.

@ Jurph - Thank you! I'm considering using a smaller version for the towers.

I've started a road (thanks for the reminder!). I plan to get some watchtowers along the road, probably connected to the fortress by underground tunnels, and with no other way in/out, to prevent unwanted access through the tunnels.


Thanks again, to both of you!

Submitted by: Maggarg - 2009-04-04 to 105 Early Spring

I like your eight towers along the road, perfect to impress those barbarian humans and elves.
I don't particularly like the smoothed floor tiles for this tileset though, they look too raised, if you know what I mean.

Submitted by: Phazer - 2009-05-07 to 110 Early Spring

Damn i like those curved walls, Really nice work youve done to youre fort.

and you got to love whats left of those youve thrown down from youre death tower.

Submitted by: timmeh - 2009-05-08 to 110 Early Spring


I've got the tileset on the wiki, if you want it.

[Message edited on 2009/05/08 at 10:14 by timmeh]

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-05-09 to 110 Early Spring

Its so... flat, at least on the surface! Very cool space you've sealed off though, and everything is building down towards an epic fort.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-05/timmeh-Foresthold-region1-110-1.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
