It took me three nights to play through 208; I am averaging 18 FPS or so thanks to my 195 or so dwarves and other assorted stuff that piles up in a fort eight years old. Fortunately I'm getting a new computer this weekend, so things should pick up soon.
In the past year I've completed housing for the last of my current nobles, finished the wall ringing the outside of the moat, installed and activated the mist generator over the dining hall and begun work on long-overdue dwarf bedrooms. I don't think I can really afford to build more than one additional layer of bedrooms right now, though; I am only a few hundred dimdums' worth of roads from triggering the arrival of the king, and bridges seem to count towards that value, so I need to get ready for him because I am going to be building a LOT of bridges.
( 209 Early Spring → onwards )
Featuring forty-four clear glass tables with thrones, four sublime rose gold wells, and a mist generator, this room ensures that every single dwarf is ecstatic all the time. - FunkyWaltDogg
There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2010-07-21
Wadedcastles v2
No related entries found.
SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
2009-04/funkywaltdogg-Wadedcastles the Gre-region6-209-0.fdf-map
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: Lord_Shadow - 2009-04-24 to 205 Early Spring
good luck starting to look like awesomeness
Submitted by: FunkyWaltDogg - 2009-04-25 to 207 Early Spring
Thanks! I am finally starting to make some real progress on the core projects.
Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2009-04-30 to 209 Early Spring
Your fort is so big and open!
Submitted by: FunkyWaltDogg - 2009-04-30 to 209 Early Spring
I didn't see the point in digging out a lot of area underground to pack stockpiles and workshops into since I'm ultimately going to be constructing buildings on the surface to house all that stuff. So for now, everything pretty much just gets plopped down wherever I've got a space.
Submitted by: Pisano - 2010-07-21 to 209 Early Spring
Really nice layout and a great seed to have magma so close to the surface. I can't figure out how you get the water up the main building with the housing though. I don't see a pumpstack but I do see pumps at the top.