Ashencrafted - 1057 Early Summer by Lightning4

Map Description:

Aftermath of the second siege. First siege came and went, four casualties in it, but this one was horrible. Ten casualties, including the entire human caravan getting totally annihilated. Goblins lost about one squad and beat a hasty retreat... tantruming dwarves everywhere.
I suppose it's not too bad, but it's unfortunate that most of the losses sustained were my best military dwarves, including my only two heros. Hoping things pick up again eventually though.

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2007-08-21

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Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2007-08-12 to 1062 Mid Spring

Is temperature on? Not that it wil make a difference: there is a bug where cloth stuff will burn for years.

Submitted by: Lightning4 - 2007-08-13 to 1062 Mid Spring

Eh, nah. Been reading the forums and the stories of burnination and spontaneous combustion kind of scare me a bit. :P

But yeah, thanks for the tip, that definitely would've put doused my plans.
[Message edited on 2007/08/13 at 11:46 by Lightning4]

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-08-20 to 1065 Early Autumn

Secret project: Is it a magma fueled heltaskelta with wooden boats?

Submitted by: Lightning4 - 2007-08-21 to 1065 Early Autumn

Unfortunately, no. But that would be a fun ride for the nobles!
[Message edited on 2007/08/21 at 02:37 by Lightning4]

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