In the end, it lived up to it's name.
Three dwarves still remain alive at this point.
The Countess' windows smashed by the Tentacle Demon and yet she still goes on to remain "ecstatic"(!).
I'm positive it was because she would have to pass five waterfalls everytime she ate or slept or conducted meetings. ><
The other two that remain alive at this point is a child and an injured miner.
- burnedfx
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-04-09
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but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-04-09 to 205 Early Summer
Add some POIs to tell us about the important areas of the fortress! I like your color palette, is it your own creation or one off the forumswiki?
Submitted by: burnedfx - 2009-04-09 to 205 Early Summer
Noble, I believe it's either the (3.1) "Natural" scheme or (3.2) Another scheme, both in the wiki. =]
I added some points of interests. Some of them universal and some of them depending on the year.
Edit: I forgot to mention, I also changed the color representing the "sky" in the init file to better match the color scheme.
[Message edited on 2009/04/09 at 07:48 by burnedfx]