Cavepacks - 1076 Early Spring by Sukasa

Map Description:

Been a while since I've played DF, heh. Another megabeast paid me a visit, this time it was a Dragon. you can see him in the POI... getting sent flying. Final casualty list? 0 Dwarves, 1 Dragon.

And *then* the goblins decide they're going to seige me.

Point of Interest: The Flying Dragon

Flying. Backwards.

That about sums up the dude's visit. He comes, he tries to breathe fire. Instead, he breathes a set of bolts, and doesn't manage to scorch a single champion. - Sukasa

There are 18 comments for this map series, last post 2010-01-02

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Submitted by: Zironic - 2008-03-21 to 1054 Mid Summer

Protect your water wheel with some walls- building destroyers will rip that up.

Submitted by: Sukasa - 2008-03-22 to 1054 Mid Summer

Already have. In fact, the entire fortress is now protected by either walls, a moat, or fortified defenses, save a couple of areas that I'm still building in.

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-09-13 to 1067 Mid Summer

Great idea with the "self repairing" wall. I'm going to try that in one of my later fortresses.

What do you need to get a king?

Submitted by: Sukasa - 2008-09-13 to 1067 Mid Summer

To the best of my knowledge, about 60 more dwarves, and a lot more roadage. eh, I'm more worried about getting the Duke at this point, because then i'll -know- what I need to get the king.

Submitted by: ^^atte - 2008-09-13 to 1067 Mid Summer

Wow nice fort :D

Many nice ideas i also love the design off it ^^

Submitted by: Maggarg - 2008-09-20 to 1054 Mid Summer

I like the way that it is laid out like a town, all hectic and organic.
Love the wall.

Submitted by: tiresius - 2008-10-09 to 1072 Early Summer

What is that room with the colored floors on level 12? Is that a "map room"? It looks really cool.

Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-10-09 to 1072 Early Summer

This is a really cool map. I'm impressed by the "map room" as well.

Submitted by: Sukasa - 2008-10-10 to 1072 Early Summer

That was actually really fun to make, too. How I did that was take an overhead image of the ground Z level, pasted it into paint, and shrunk it to about 100x100 pixels. After that, I opened up another 21x21 pixel image in another paint window, and drew in the individual tiles, then remade the image in DF using various collected materials.

Submitted by: tiresius - 2008-10-10 to 1064 Mid Spring

I'm totally going to do a map room in my next fort. If I get enough good colored blocks, that is!

Nice job!

Submitted by: ^^atte - 2008-10-16 to 1074 Mid Summer

Once more a epic update ^^
I love every update and so many PoI :O (positive said)
This fort is really going to my favorite list along with copperblaze and boatmurder :D

[Message edited on 2008/10/16 at 04:03 by ^^atte]

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-10-16 to 1074 Mid Summer

What do you need nearly 2400 units of power for?

I like looking at the mass of machinery in your fortress, but most of it seems really unnecessary.

Submitted by: Sukasa - 2008-10-17 to 1074 Mid Summer

Most of the power used goes into either power transmission, drainage (On the left side of the fort, there's a pump stack that clears multiple water systems, and the farms also have a pumping system), while there's also the issue of the water supply system - it's pretty messy, since it was built around the fort, and thus traverses Z-levels like nobody's business.

Plus there's the fact that I'm expanding a lot and that when I turn some section of pumps on (e.g. one of the waterfalls), I really don't want the drainage pumps to stop if I can avoid it. Another big consumer was supposed to be a control unit for the obsidian factory (that mass of gear assemblies), but I ran out of wood and had to take a bunch of it back in order to fufill ballista arrow mandates x_x

Submitted by: ^^atte - 2008-10-17 to 1074 Mid Summer

Dakira is not Dwarf Fortress a game where you build big usless things? xD (some do atleast ^^)

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-10-18 to 1074 Mid Summer

I'm not saying anything is wrong with it. I did say I liked looking at it, I'm just wondering what Sukasa needed that much power for.

Submitted by: xpCynic - 2009-03-26 to 1076 Early Spring

Wow. It rose from the grave. I've never properly commented on this fort: I love the waterfall setup in the dining room, and the vault is great. But I get lost trying to follow paths through this place otherwise. JUST LOOK AT ALL THEM MACHINES.

Submitted by: Orkel - 2009-04-04 to 1076 Early Spring

Fucking awesome fort.

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2010-01-02 to 1076 Early Summer

Oo la la

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-03/sukasa-Cavepacks-region1-1076-1470.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
