Strengthcrown - 210 Early Winter by Jerkwhistle

Map Description:

I wanted to build a giant circular castle, and decided the best place for it would be by a river. Managed to find a nice one that had a hole through the aquifer so I didn't have to spend a lot of time screwing around with breaking through it. Whole thing is made from rhyolite blocks. Took about 10 years to finish up. Still some work to do on the south wall, but I'm getting bored with it at this point. North of the castle is a lock system to get non-existent boats up past the waterfall.

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2009-04-06

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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-03-26 to 210 Early Winter

very nice. I like the underground design pattern.
btw did you make that big circle by hand or macro it?

Submitted by: Duke - 2009-03-27 to 210 Early Winter


Alright, I'm admitting that this could take my title as King of the Aboveground Castles simply because of the second-story engravings.

Submitted by: _nil_ - 2009-03-27 to 210 Early Winter

pretty sweet

Submitted by: Jerkwhistle - 2009-03-27 to 210 Early Winter

Everything was done by hand, partly to make sure that nothing but rhyolite blocks were used in the construction, but mostly because I keep forgetting to install a macro program on my laptop.

Submitted by: Coaldiamond - 2009-03-31 to 210 Early Winter

A beautiful and well executed fortress! Also, I love the mosaics. Any relation to the zodiac going on there?

Submitted by: Jerkwhistle - 2009-04-06 to 210 Early Winter

Not the full zodiac, but they match the trading seasons and my interpretation of the corresponding civilization symbols--crescent moon: spring, elves, "arrow"; blazing sun: summer, humans, "sword"; setting sun: fall, dwarvenhome, "hammer"; full moon: winter, local government, "four dwarves". The last is currently covered by a stockpile, which is probably for the best since that's pretty hard to convey in a 16x16 square, and it didn't come out so well.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-03/jerkwhistle-strengthcrown_map_210.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
