Daggerwind - 204 Early Winter by Lord Dullard

Map Description:

Year 3, and the infrastructure of the underground section of the fort is about 75% up. Priority 1 at the moment is getting the forge area up and running, after which I need to worry about a catacombs, outer defenses, and probably additional housing for new immigrants. Fort population is currently at 80.

Once population hits 120-30, I plan to begin on the actual meat of the fortress. I have several planned projects, but we'll see how those pan out over the next updates.

Point of Interest: Incomplete Forge

Soon to be the site of the magma forges, where the metalsmithing and glass production will take place. - Lord Dullard

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2009-03-27

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Submitted by: juice - 2009-03-19 to 201 Early Spring

Looks like a fantastic site. River is up high, lots of interesting terrain, plenty of trees/vegetation... good find!

Submitted by: stoned funeral - 2009-03-22 to 204 Early Winter

I loved your last fort, here's to another legendary one in the making--cheers

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2009-03-22 to 204 Early Winter

I request an artificial lake.

A big one.

Submitted by: Katsuun - 2009-03-24 to 205 Late Winter

I see you have decided to start another fortress, perhaps one to trump Reinhammers? I'll look forward to seeing how this one grows.

Submitted by: Marzen - 2009-03-27 to 207 Early Winter

You're going to "submerge" that tower? Sounds fun. Looking awesome so far, as usual. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for this place.

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