Beginning of the second year at Foresthold, my first attempt at an above-ground fortress. The main living area, farms, workshops, etc. are actually underground, but the ground level will serve as a massive barracks, as well as allow safe farming of above-ground plants, and a safe, endless water supply.
The only entrance into my fortress is a five-tile wide bride over a small moat. I haven't gotten around to rigging a lever to it yet though.
At the moment, two war dogs guard the entrance, mostly to prevent thieves from sneaking in, but they will be replaced by a couple squads of crossbow-dwarves once I have a large enough army. - timmeh
There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-09
SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: juice - 2009-03-19 to 102 Early Spring
Lookin good so far. What's with the logs in the river?
Submitted by: Jurph - 2009-03-20 to 102 Early Spring
I really like the spiral staircase design!
I suspect that the logs in the river fell in during moat construction: trees prevent channelling, so the trees were ordered to be chopped... then channels were designated before the logs got hauled off. I wish dwarves would move logs/stones away from the dig site like they do when placing workshops!
Anyway timmeh, it's a good solid aboveground fort. If I were on this map I'd be very worried about trees growing to block my wagon access. Are you planning to build a road? Will it be lined with watch-towers, or will the edges be sprinkled with traps?
Submitted by: timmeh - 2009-03-24 to 103 Early Spring
@juice - Thanks!
The logs are, like Jurph suggested, from loose logs being on the tiles when they were mined.
@ Jurph - Thank you! I'm considering using a smaller version for the towers.
I've started a road (thanks for the reminder!). I plan to get some watchtowers along the road, probably connected to the fortress by underground tunnels, and with no other way in/out, to prevent unwanted access through the tunnels.
Thanks again, to both of you!
Submitted by: Maggarg - 2009-04-04 to 105 Early Spring
I like your eight towers along the road, perfect to impress those barbarian humans and elves.
I don't particularly like the smoothed floor tiles for this tileset though, they look too raised, if you know what I mean.
Submitted by: Phazer - 2009-05-07 to 110 Early Spring
Damn i like those curved walls, Really nice work youve done to youre fort.
and you got to love whats left of those youve thrown down from youre death tower.
Submitted by: timmeh - 2009-05-08 to 110 Early Spring
I've got the tileset on the wiki, if you want it.
[Message edited on 2009/05/08 at 10:14 by timmeh]
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-05-09 to 110 Early Spring
Its so... flat, at least on the surface! Very cool space you've sealed off though, and everything is building down towards an epic fort.