Second or third fortress in 3D version of DF. This region has no elves or goblins, its very peaceful! I founded my fortress on an island, the Land of Innocence. No starting skills were taken. The bright red stone for the curtain wall is cinnabar, imported at start.
There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2010-07-16
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SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-03-17 to 302 Early Spring
Momaw says he's build on an island in the eastern sea. I think its very red, and open, there are no goblins to abuse the lack of defences though.
And no, I didn't read your description.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-17 to 302 Early Spring
Submitted by: juice - 2009-03-19 to 302 Early Winter
Nice tileset.
Submitted by: superlearnmathngentot - 2010-07-16 to 302 Early Winter
hello guys
I just want to say hi