2 more years pass, main pit is almost completely dug out. The worker housing tower continues to grow. The main magma storage vat is almost complete.
There are 20 comments for this map series, last post 2009-07-09
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Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-04 to 301 Early Spring
Cool location I guess, sheltered, and hidden. I already like your temporary tower with the 1 tile bed rooms.
Submitted by: ^^atte - 2009-03-05 to 309 Early Summer
OMG, Veryinky your back :O
I love this latest fort, as i loved all your forts.
Love to see more of this fort. :D
[Message edited on 2009/03/05 at 05:23 by ^^atte]
Submitted by: Jackrabbit - 2009-03-05 to 309 Early Summer
Yay, A Veryinky fort! Looks as great as always, but what is the extreme long term goal?
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-05 to 309 Early Summer
How come there are so many levers for controlling water?
Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-05 to 309 Early Summer
Fort Darkstone was my trial run at making a giant obsidian cube. To test the theory if it was possible. This one will eventually have a giant poured obsidian cube in the middle of the map.
The levers are to control the flow of water, to allow the pipes to be used as either a sewer or a feed line, depending on the need. Also, sections which are connected to water filled areas will have floodgates in place as a precaution.
Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-03-10 to 315 Early Summer
Why even bother with the step of pumping it into a storage tank? Seems over-engineered to me (very dwarven, though!) when you could just pump it up to the top level, and then straight into the mold.
Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-10 to 315 Early Summer
For three reasons:
The giant obsidian cube is just the first project for this map. Eventually I'll need to continue pumping the magma to create a bunch of giant statues near the valley entrance.
I plan on emptying the vent and then building an intake system directly inside the middle of the vent. I also want to dig it out so that it's more uniform and circular.
Finally, as the system is, pumping out the magma is in spurts of 3/7 or 2/7. The mold is very large and such a low flow would result in a lot of evaporation. With storage tank I can pressurize it to have 7/7 magma being pumped out since the magma will fall directly down when a 7/7 square is pumped out.
Though, I'll admit that I do tend to over-engineer things.
Submitted by: Sinergistic|Away - 2009-03-10 to 315 Early Summer
Ah, emptying the pipe makes sense ^^ doing that in one of my forts at the moment. One thing you might want to look into is building a blocking layer (with floors) on the z-level below the pump intakes. Otherwise, depending on where you build them (mine where in the center) you will keep getting these spurts of magma coming up through your pump intakes.
Submitted by: Dorten - 2009-03-16 to 319 Early Summer
AFAIK, caverns, dug out from cast obsidian, like your "Tree frarm" shows, are still considered aboveground. You'll need to use tile edit to grow trees there
Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-16 to 309 Early Summer
Already thought of that. That sandblock is considered to be original rock, so everything under it is considered inside and underground. Only under that 27x27 area though, which is why the tree farm was placed there. I don't mind since it means my dwarves won't get cave adaptation easily.
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2009-03-19 to 305 Late Summer
Zounds, a new Veryinky fort!
Quite impressive. What are the dimensions of the map? I don't think my poor rig could handle it, it looks quite large.
Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-19 to 323 Early Summer
It's 6x8 local area squares. I liked the layout because it's sort of a box canyon in a desert. I'm getting 20-50 fps depending on what my dwarves are doing, though typically 35fps most of the time.
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2009-03-23 to 327 Early Summer
This monolith is going to be awesome when it's finished. I particularly like the winding stairway in the center, although I have to ask - why are you skipping levels? It seems like such a waste of space - although I suppose realistically you've got a lot to go around.
Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-03-23 to 327 Early Summer
What happened to the sunken sand block? Looks like it disappeared.
Submitted by: CrackFile - 2009-06-04 to 327 Early Summer
I see a good bit of 7x7 -1
Submitted by: stray war dog - 2009-06-20 to 317 Early Summer
is that an ELF in the magma feed i see?
Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-06-27 to 317 Early Summer
It's a giant eagle. Elves brought me a breeding pair and now I have hundreds. They make for great bone bolts.
Yeah, I'm at least trying to keep 7x7-1 since it's nice to have a few constraints.
Also the sand block disapeared because of how weirdly DF stores it's materials. Once it dropped 1 level it became sand cover alumite. most annoying.
Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2009-07-04 to 337 Early Summer
This place is AMAZING.
*ogles fortress
Submitted by: Silhouette - 2009-07-09 to 343 Early Summer
Looks pretty cool, but the statue garden point of interest seems to be a bit off. It appears above the windmills where nothing is built.
Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-07-09 to 343 Early Summer
The statue garden was removed a couple years ago, forgot to update the points of interest.