This is my best fort as of yet.
Already a mountainhome.
It's a bit messy and a chaotic, but I call it my home.
The wall that overlooks my fort's entrance and houses a pair of catapults. To the right are 3 more catapults for training. - xRedster
There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2009-02-23
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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-02-22 to 314 Early Autumn
How much F!@# booze do you have?
Your dwarfs must be wasted 24/7.
Submitted by: xRedster - 2009-02-23 to 314 Early Autumn
I have about 26k units of booze and it is still growing, heheh :P
Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2009-02-23 to 314 Early Autumn
Holy crap that's a lot of booze. At first I was just admiring the natural curves of your storehouses, but they just kept on going and going.
Submitted by: Duke - 2009-02-23 to 314 Early Autumn
That wall has a bit of a problem to the left side of it.
But I like how you went "Screw the position of the Magma Pipe! I'm using magma HERE!"
Submitted by: xRedster - 2009-02-23 to 314 Early Autumn
I know I suck at magma diverting so I just channeled and pumped it into the closest mountain and started using it.