I decided to keep the fortress going. I'm working tall towers in the four corners. They're mostly for show, though I do have fortifications, so they could be used for defense, but I'm happy with my current arrangement: position my archers at the top of the lower gate, leaving it open so the goblins approach, and position my two champion axedwarves at the entrance on the ground. I should get a video of it. I'm rather proud of how well it works out!
My crypts are finished'ish. At my current rate of attrition, it'll take another in-game decade to even start coming close to filling it. Oh well. It looks cool!
I'm still working on the temples. Some of the Gods are hard to come up with ideas for. Like Balance. How do you represent Balance in DF? No ideas. Eh...it'll come eventually. I'm working on trying to figure out how to capture some fish so I can properly stock the pool in the temple for my god of Fish and Art.
I finally got my Queen. I made liberal use of my artifacts to make sure she had some pleasant accommodations. Her throne, her tomb and a chest in her dining room.
All in all, I'm really liking how Shotrake is turning out.
There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2009-12-24
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Submitted by: Dakira - 2009-02-01 to 217 Mid Autumn
You.... you have bauxite... and magnetite... so very close together... brain exploding...
Submitted by: RedWick - 2009-02-02 to 217 Mid Autumn
Bauxite, magnetite AND flux (my whole fortress is basically made out of chalk). No magma though, so the bauxite is a wash. I've set my smelters on repeat to build pig iron and steel, so I'm currently sitting on around 50 or so bars of steel. Haven't needed to make anything with it since I've been importing all of my armor.
Submitted by: Phrog - 2009-02-02 to 218 Early Winter
The mountain carving must have taken ages to do. I'm doing that on a simpler scale on my fortress Citybite for a farming terrace and a defense tower but nothing like this. How long did it all take?
Submitted by: RedWick - 2009-02-03 to 217 Mid Autumn
In game? Not too long. I'm only just finishing up year 4 of this fortress. Real world time, I think I've spent probably the last week picking at this place.
Usually I just pick a project I want finished then set my dwarves to working. Most of my workforce has masonry and stone detailing enabled, so when I start a project my usual pool of layabouts jumps into action.
Mind you, almost none of the constructed walls are blocks. Just rough stone. If I waited around for all that stone to be carved into blocks, I'd be looking at probably 10 years or more to reach this point.
Maybe later, I'll get around to replacing everything floor by floor. For now, I'm happy just letting the place grow however it needs to.
Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-02-04 to 218 Early Winter
I love the alternating double wall in your crypts, in between the two sections. I'm a big fan of walls thicker than 1 unit used as an accent myself, even if it's not the most efficient type of room.
Submitted by: RedWick - 2009-02-05 to 219 Mid Winter
I figure for rooms that aren't visited much, efficiency isn't such a big issue, so I usually opt for aesthetics (or at least aesthetic to me). I usually build my forts with an eye towards what I'd find interesting to explore in adventurer mode (even if I rarely bother going back to explore these places).
Submitted by: EnDSchultz - 2009-12-24 to 223 Early Spring
Man, I wish I had such a wonderful eye for aesthetics. This is a very beautiful fort; well done!