Gatereign - 203 Late Spring by Noble Digger

Map Description:

A military fortress resting along some heavily-forested foothills with a small brook running through the canyons. The local volcano is not filled to its edges, resulting in a deep and isolated crater.

This is a young fortress, my first successful fort since temporarily retiring Bustnut, but I wanted to throw something up here to show everyone what I've been working on.

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2009-01-30

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Submitted by: Urist McDorf - 2009-01-26 to 205 Late Winter

Looks like you could use some bins for your armory... :)

Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-01-26 to 205 Late Winter

If you look up in the main yard there's an entire stockpile of bins and no more room--that's storing all the low quality iron armor and weapons in addition to crappy trade goods from goblins and such. :X

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-01-26 to 205 Late Winter

This fort is massive! It looks very... planned out and organized. Those imps look ready to take out the first legendary weaponsmith they see.

Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-01-27 to 205 Late Winter

The funny part is that I don't plan my fortresses. I got really lucky that the new additions fit symmetrically on both sides of the for in almost every place.

I work a room at a time, making what I need at a given moment. Right now (I'm in year 206 or 207) I have so many construction projects going on that nothing is being completed, but rather being nudged closer to completion.

The hammerer killed 3 dwarves this year :|

Submitted by: Dakira - 2009-01-30 to 207 Early Spring

How will anyone access your Road of White Shadow?
Also, your "Hot Tubes" have inspired me to make a future fortress with central heating curtousy of our favorite molten rock.

Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-01-30 to 207 Early Spring

The Road of White Shadow will be flooded, and deep within the earth. It's not meant for travel, just to fool the king into thinking we have a valuable road. I also needed the stone and digging it out gave me quite a few mineral veins.

Stay tuned, I'm working on a highway to cut through the western mountains, removing all the ramps, and ensuring depot access on all approaches via a system of tunnels interconnected with ramps.

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