Trutharch - 154 Early Spring by Maisoul

Map Description:

Now in traditional ASCII... as, on reflection, it does look better after all.
At least when I remember to reset all the options relating to it, and not just set graphics to 'NO'.

The main keep is taking shape, and is almost entirely roofed over. I need to decide whether I'm going to put all dwellings in there, or just 'noble' dwellings, and build the commoners' bedrooms elsewhere, later.
I know I'm definitely going to have to expand out from just the keep and build a 'village', just to have somewhere to put the workshops.

Point of Interest: Main Keep

( 154 Early Spring → onwards )

Now entirely finished... on the ground floor, at least.
Structure-wise. If goblins start turning up, I'll put beds in the northern towers for marksdwarves, and station them near the fortifications.
Oh, and raise the drawbridge, of course. - Maisoul

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-12-04

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Submitted by: Bitzeralisis - 2008-12-04 to 152 Early Summer

A glass castle? I'm building something like it; the difference is that I'm building a glass tower, and that the tower won't do anything but look fancy.

Personally, I think that some tilesets (especially the shaded ones) are too fancy and distracting. I prefer modest tilesets like the default one. I don't like character sets for the same reason.

Submitted by: Maisoul - 2008-12-04 to 152 Early Summer

Generally, a castle is a tower with a couple of walls around it anyway.
I think the main difference is that I'm looking to expand horizontally, if I must, rather than too far vertically. I picked this level because there was a fair amount of room to the north for further structures - I'd have gone for the next Z-level down for laziness if I just wanted to go up.

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2008-12/maisoul-Trutharch-region4-154-2126.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
