A few years later, the queen finally comes, and all her requests for rooms are attended.
Sieges and monsters cannot take on my fort anymore. At 160-so dwarves, the FPS is around 20-30, no the fort is not unplayable either, but it is a little boring.
Unless someone suggests something else to do with wetbolts, I'll probably abandon in a few days and explore the world as an adventurer for a while.
I really wish abandoning a fort did not completely destroy it, but just let it to fend by itself.
This is the powerful army of wetbolts (Fortress and Royal Guard not included). The Captain of the Guard, part of the active military, is one of the founding dwarves.
The goblin corpses about are a small goblin ambush that came together with the caravan, and decided to investigate what was the commotion under the obelisk. Bad choice. - Caranha
There are 15 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-13
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Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-10-16 - Removed
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-22 to 194 Early Summer
I'm liking the setup you have here. The central shaft looks a bit scary, I wouldn't want to fall down there, but the lower levels are well decorated. The multiple entrances and exits make the whole place much more interesting to navigate.
Try hiding the stones along the river channels.
Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-10-23 to 194 Early Summer
Thanks Markavian!
I have already hidden the stones: the channels will look much cleaner for the next update.
But multiple entrances and exits? What do you mean? The Fort has pretty much only one entrance: the green bridge over the magma.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-25 to 195 Early Autumn
Not entrances as such, but you've got paths at the top of the map which have been walled off that are only accessible from inside the fort.
Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-10-25 to 195 Early Autumn
Oh yeah, those :-D
I wanted to mine the magnetite that I could see from the hills, so I dug to them from inside the fortress... the walled off parts are places where I got careless with the digging designations X.X
Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2008-10-25 to 195 Early Autumn
Neat waterfall design here!
Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-10-27 to 195 Early Autumn
Thanks! I had to add a few more grates, though, because the 9 golden grates are not able to contain all the flow...
Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2008-10-29 to 196 Late Summer
I'd suggest the baron has an appointment with the magma. ;)
Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-11-03 to 197 Late Summer
The Baron Consort has behaved this year. (he was the one who was ordering adamantine items). The Baroness, on the other hand, has never done anything other than ordering the production of armor stands.
Sure, whatever - you don't mind them being built of rhyolite, do you mam?
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-04 to 197 Late Summer
Big fan of that wall of knowledge.
I'm sure that the prison may be depressing, but the heat probably makes it quite comfortable.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-11-05 to 198 Late Summer
For some reason I want to see trees growing in and around the extended green house... request: potted plants and tree planting skills for DF.
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-05 to 198 Late Summer
Request Seconded.
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2008-11-05 to 198 Late Summer
Love the fortress, specially the treasure room and the wall of history.
Noice work :-D
Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-11-06 to 198 Late Summer
Thanks Salmeuk!
Dakira/Mark - It would be great if I could have trees lining the road to the fortress. Next I'll try an arrangment of walls/statues/channels that block all other Caravan-paths into wetboat.
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-13 to 200 Early Autumn
The statues along the road are a nice addition and it looks like your waterfall over the wall of knowledge has flooded a bit.
I checked the DF suggestions board on the forums and there is already a "planting" suggestion.
Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-11-13 to 200 Early Autumn
Yeah, because of the three water outputs and all the splashing, I get water everywhere whenever I turn the waterfall on.
However, thanks to the many sinkholes, I never get more than 1/7 squares, even if I get a LOT of them.