Rovol, The Sanctuary - 208 Late Spring by Guldane

Map Description:

The Sanctuary is a fortress created by dwarves on the brink of extinction. There is no dwarven civilization save for this last stronghold, no other dwarves not enslaved by goblin oppressors. In the six years since the fortress was founded by a group of dwarves fleeing their pursuers - founded where it is because there is nowhere else to run, where the ocean bars their way - not a single group of migrants has managed to find them.

Point of Interest: Wood Stockpile

As I dislike letting my dwarves out where something bad might happen to them, I have a rather large wood stockpile; when it gets low, I wait until after a goblin ambush (which frequently has elves and dwarves in it too, depressingly), then open the wider but less secure entrances and go chop down a large chunk of the nearby forest. I have to put all my dwarves on wood hauling to get the logs in any reasonable amount of time. - Guldane

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2008-10-30

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Submitted by: Guldane - 2008-10-30 to 208 Late Spring

Any comments or suggestions as to my layout would be appreciated; this is one of my longer-running fortresses, as I normally get irritated at something I did earlier and restart somewhere else. I like this location, though, and the complete and utter lack of dwarven civilization amuses me. I'm somewhat curious if I'll even get nobles and such, assuming my population ever rises high enough.

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