Sodelotam, "Shieldnoses" - 1053 by Maisoul

Map Description:

Population: 73 (+33)
Nobles: 2 (+2)
Food: 549 (+236)
Moods: 6 (+3)
Artifacts: 5 (+3)
Legendary Dwarves: 5 (+3)
Deaths: 8 (+8)
Dead Elephants: 4 (+4)

A jeweller mooded - interesting, as the last time I saw one of those do that, he went insane because I didn't have rough gems. Probably the result will be a legendary jewel, or something.
...huh. Turquoise Weapon Rack. Nice. Also made this year is 'Usurular', a shiny Onyx scepter.

Sherrif and Manager nobles arrived; the sherrif I don't really care about, but the manager is one I've been waiting for. I got used to him during the last game.

Three dwarves drowned in the summer flood - I'll put some safety-bridges in, or something.
Another peasant manages to drown during autumn's flood anyway... most of the other deaths are people blundering into elephants by accident, or the two trappers I decided to let hunt. They have brought back three elephants thus far, though. I think we're ahead.

After digging out the massive expanse of tunnels between chasm and magma... I finally found coal.
On the15th of Opal.

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