Scouredrazor - 305 Early Summer by Nahkh

Map Description:

Summer, year five.
Second goblin siege. About damn time.

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2008-10-26

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Submitted by: lambskin - 2008-09-10 to 303 Early Summer

I think that funny underground pool might be a bug...

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-09-12 to 303 Early Summer

aaaah, the humor in these POIs amuses me so.

Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-10-07 to 305 Early Summer

You should build a corridor from the barracks to the front entrance, so that the military can catch any goblin who tries to flee the Ballista madness :-)

Submitted by: Rekhyt - 2008-10-08 to 305 Early Summer

Shot thru the humans! i wanna see human blood becuase they attacked one of my best forts.

Submitted by: Nahkh_ - 2008-10-26 to 308 Mid Summer

During that siege I didn't use the ballista, and instead tried using my K9 unit to crush the invaders. Unfortunately, they had two elite crossbowmen, and I failed to release the restraints quickly enough. Also, they shot up my marksdwarves through the fortifications with ease, killing maybe a third, with a few more dying from the subsequent tantrums and depression. The goblins made it to my ballista before my champions bothered to show up. After that, we had a light shower of goblin parts, followed by beer. And cake.

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