It's been five years since the last update. Reinhammers has now hit the 20-year mark.
The biggest project over the gap in updates has been a complete revamp of the surface-level fort. The tiny old complex has been completely replaced with a large fortified superstructure and a huge new 'castle' military wing.
I have a couple more projects I plan on taking on before I finally consider this fort 'done'. But then again, who knows, it might last another twenty years.
I've uploaded several 3Dwarf pictures of the fort, as well:
The Main Fortress
The New Military Wing
Altar of Armok
A glance down the pit..
The Library Tower
The Water Tower
( 255 Early Spring → onwards )
I wanted to add something nifty to this rather barren corner of the map. Coincidentally, I also needed a way to dispose of the 40+ goblins and elves I had sitting in my animal stockpile. The Altar of Armok was the solution.
The structure took a year or so to build. The pit in the center drops a sheer 18 Z-levels down to a chamber far below where my dwarves can recover the exploded bodies of the poor saps that get tossed in. I've set a stockpile over the first couple levels that only accepts skull totems. I figure it'll take another couple sieges before it's completely filled.
For its 20th founding-day anniversary, I tossed in the entire contents of my goblin/elf POW camp. Turns out 40 exploded bodies actually look quite pretty in ASCII. - Lord Dullard
There are 35 comments for this map series, last post 2009-10-20
SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: PTTG - 2008-08-21 to 243 Mid Autumn
Amazing! I am Awed by the Dining Pods.
Submitted by: lambskin - 2008-08-21 to 243 Mid Autumn
Amazing fortress! What are the coffins made of?
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-08-21 to 243 Mid Autumn
Thank you both.
The coffins are all dolomite, which is the material used in most of the fort's constructions. I may eventually replace some of the more important dwarves' coffins with steel or platinum editions - but since I settled on a map with no magma, for now I'm conserving wood and don't want to waste the charcoal.
Submitted by: Invictus - 2008-08-22 to 243 Mid Autumn
Itīs really something. That Forge an surrounding quarters looks like a undeground ship with all the water around. Almost all points of interest contains some great idea of architecture.
My respect.
Submitted by: Hellzon - 2008-08-22 to 243 Mid Autumn
Nice architecture, but I'm still giggling about the vomit on the Philosoher's sunroof.
Submitted by: Lacero - 2008-08-22 to 243 Mid Autumn
Favourited :)
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-08-22 to 245 Late Spring
I should note that in between 243-245 I gave 'Loamy Sand' a [SOIL_SAND] tag. I didn't realize upon embarking that loamy sand wasn't actually a sand, so I edited the raw rather than start a whole new fortress just to achieve glass production.
[Message edited on 2008/08/22 at 01:38 by Lord Dullard]
Submitted by: Katsuun - 2008-08-22 to 245 Late Spring
Heh. I've never had a fortress thats lasted this long, so I can only be awed.
Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2008-08-22 to 245 Late Spring
It is rare indeed when a fortress filled with such architectural achievement is uploaded here. Bravo sir!
[Message edited on 2008/09/03 at 06:13 by Gaulgath]
Submitted by: Doppel - 2008-08-23 to 245 Late Spring
Wow, i love the layout of this fort. I love how its neat and clean and impressive, but not too overdone.
How do you make a fountain like that btw?
I also really like the color sheme.
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-08-23 - Removed
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-08-23 to 245 Late Spring
Thank you to everyone who has commented.
As for the fountain - the setup is actually relatively simple. It's just tiered layers of solid walls with stacked screw pumps in the center and a cistern underneath. Grates surround the entire thing so that when the water spills off of the bottom level it feeds back into the cistern and starts the process over again.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-08-24 to 243 Mid Autumn
*Also favourites*... the entire fort is filled with character and its just so neat and tidy...
Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-08-28 to 250 Early Summer
Nice bazaar, and the whole place looks really crisp and clean.
Submitted by: stummelist - 2008-08-28 to 250 Early Summer
wtf? great fortress design... also liked the dining pods most.
Submitted by: Maggarg - 2008-08-28 to 246 Early Autumn
I love the library.
I wish I could be bothered to build things like that.
Honestly, I can only imagine the stories in that fort.
Submitted by: kein - 2008-08-30 to 246 Early Autumn
Fantasic work. +Favored.
I like how you didnt dirty it up with a graphic set like most DF vetrans do. Is that the "natural" color scheme or something else? Love the maze. The catacombs look like a starship :)
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-08-30 to 250 Early Summer
kein: I use 'Another scheme'.
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-09-03 to 255 Early Spring
Also, I think your FPS died due to the fountain. When I tried to use fountains, my FPS always took a serious blow.
Submitted by: RavingManiac - 2008-09-09 to 255 Early Spring
Hmm, I wonder which of the tombs belongs to the tax collector...
Submitted by: Yojimbo - 2008-09-27 to 255 Early Spring
Sir! We salute you!!
That is impressive. Excellent theme and execution.
Submitted by: Alex Encandar - 2008-09-28 to 262 Mid Spring
Quite awesome :D
Submitted by: Marzen - 2008-11-11 to 262 Mid Spring
...Man, this fortress ROCKS. Like, seriously, it's been a great help for my newest one. Awesome clean layout, awesome projects. Speaking of projects, how did you make that giant hole? AND smooth it. I can't see a way you'd do it without having your dwarfs fly. Also, you still working on this? Been looking at it for ages, and I thought you'd add in one more map, but it's been 2 months now.
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-11-13 to 262 Mid Spring
Hi, Marzen. Thanks for the comment.
If the hole you are referring to is the one under the altar, I just dug/channeled out a 5x5 pit, leaving a single stairwell as I went. Once the pit was dug out I just removed the stairs. This is how I build most of my large projects - I build up 'scaffolding' surrounding them until they're finished, then remove it at the end from the top-down.
I haven't been playing DF much lately (LotRO and Fallout 3 have been eating my free time for the past few months), but I still plan on trying to 'finish' this fort. Eventually.
[Message edited on 2008/11/13 at 03:09 by Lord Dullard]
Submitted by: Nilus - 2008-12-04 to 263 Late Winter
This fortress is disturbingly epic.
I hate you for being better than me.
Submitted by: Luckymoose - 2008-12-04 to 263 Late Winter
This just might be the best fortress I have ever seen. It is making me and my friends jealous. We will probably try something more epic and fail.
That Skull is amazing, did you use a template or just wing it?
Submitted by: Doppel - 2008-12-05 to 263 Late Winter
This fortress continues to become epicly better each time i see it!
Great job.
Submitted by: Mintie2 - 2009-02-15 to 250 Early Summer
This fort is the best! Good design and innovation. Sorry to bug you even more about the tileset, but I can't seem to find it. Can you tell us where you got it?
[Message edited on 2009/02/19 at 10:42 by Mintie2]
[Message edited on 2009/02/25 at 09:17 by Mintie2]
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2009-03-12 to 263 Late Winter
I use the tileset here:
It's the second one under the 'Unknown' listing.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-12 to 263 Late Winter
dude. that skull is frickin' scary
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-12 to 263 Late Winter
"Some people would say it's silly to have a huge, creepy-looking mural of the visage of Armok that your dwarves can't actually see.
I agree. But what the hell."
- but what if some sky deity / god type person could view that room from above with all the rock and sand and sky stripped away... what would they think then?
Submitted by: MrGimp - 2009-05-26 to 263 Late Winter
This fort rocks!!! The skull mural is the shit! Woooo!!!
Submitted by: ECNM - 2009-07-09 to 250 Early Summer
Man, that's pretty cool about the Leader's Shrine.
The Founding Dwarves really are all the most important.
Submitted by: Agent Fransis - 2009-07-12 to 250 Early Summer
This is an epic fortress. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encircled with bands of win and manaces with spikes of awesome.
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-09-13 to 250 Early Summer
Super-neat fort is superneat.
The bazaar is wonderfully colourful.
Good work :)
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-10-20 to 263 Late Winter
Stonesense screenshot made by Japa: