12th year: a large, drumshaped fortress, hollowed out, curtainwall pieced by towers containing manufacture, storage, living and access shafts. The hollow drum contains one gigantic dining hall (10 z-levels, 1,5 screens wide), roofed over by a huge dome done partially in glass.
A main view of the fortress. It is in its 12th year by now and close to being finished. Main design idea was to create a huge hollow drum with towers piercing its wall. The towers house everything from accessshafts to storage or manufacturing. The hollow center does house the main dining hall - should be one of the largest ever built. It is roofed over by a large constructed dome, the eastern end of which is done in glass. The fortress is enclosed by a moat - Peter Horner
There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2009-04-20
Firegate of Menace
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2008-06/peterhorner-Firegate of Menace-region1-1080-35550.fdf-map
but you will need the .NET version of
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Submitted by: Luckymoose - 2008-06-17 to 1080 Mid Winter
This fortress is amazing. I love big fortresses.
Submitted by: Fox-Of-Doom - 2008-06-17 to 1080 Mid Winter
This fortress is 12 flavours of awesome. I love how your fortress opens up to your drum, looks really neat. It's also awesome that almost all of your workshops are powered. A home that any dwarf would appreciate!
Submitted by: Aldaris - 2009-04-20 to 1080 Mid Winter
Wow, just, wow.
this is so awesome it hurts my ego, I can imagine that dome, lined with towers, jutting out of the landscape, sitting in a seemingly bottomless pit, covedred in windmills, battlements, siege engines, spires, domes, balconies...
I'm stealing the idea.