There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2008-06-16
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Submitted by: Unbeltedsundew - 2008-05-22 to 1061 Early Summer
Nice fortress dude, I liked the way you stacked those rooms diagonaly.
Submitted by: Daniel Charms - 2008-06-16 to 1061 Mid Winter
Thanks. I got fed up with all hallways being straight, so I decided to experiment with different shapes a bit. It seems to be working pretty nice.
Submitted by: Fox-Of-Doom - 2008-06-16 to 1061 Mid Winter
A fortress very pleasurable to look at. You got a nice theatre, and an extremely nice waterway. I can't seem to find the watersource though... Is it an underground river somewhere in the waterway?
Submitted by: Rekhyt - 2008-06-16 to 1061 Mid Winter
wow....dude nice fort.very impressive...are you the capital city of the natoin yet?
Submitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-06-16 to 1061 Mid Winter
@ Fox
I think the waterway is being filled by the now frozen river that's on the surface. The water source is above where the kittens' corpse is, i think.