Silvertrail - 1054 Early Autumn by Saladna0

Map Description:

This is Silvertrail year 4, Would like comments to help improve it!

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-05-22

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Submitted by: Fox-Of-Doom - 2008-05-19 to 1054 Early Autumn

Just curious, but why is there a row of chairs down the main path in the bedroom area?

Also, I think you should roof up your outside area, just because I think it looks neat. Unless you were looking for that medieval wall look.

I like the trader path, it's very neat, with the trade depots branching off underground from the main entrance. The northern road seems to lack the nice statues that the other roads enjoy.

Submitted by: Saladan0 - 2008-05-22 to 1054 Early Autumn

Thank you for commenting!

As to answer your questions, The chairs are there because I simply accidentally made to many of them, so I figured Id put them... somewhere.

Also, I am in the process of roofing up my top top floor. Its help getting rid of all my excess stone that you can see.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2008-05/saladan0-Silvertrailthread.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
