Waterwall - 1056 Mid Winter by OHakubi

Map Description:

Okay, so the tower didn't quite pan out, nor did the tower that was dug out of the ground with all the walls knocked out and replaced with glass before being surrounded by water as some sort of giant reverse aquarium. So we move on to Plan C: A giant hydroelectric dam with a (mostly) above-ground city surrounding it. Of course, the game wasn't quite obliging enough to give us a natural waterfall, but hey, they're dwarves. They dig.

Low estimates rate the power output of the dam at around 5600 units, all of which will be used to power a single millstone in a grand display of unbridled exorbitance. If anyone has a better idea for it, I'm all ears.

The population is capped at forty dwarves and invasions are turned off, because I'm one of those people more interested in making art than a city. They will be turned back on eventually, though, mark my words. Personally I'm kind of surprised that I managed to go for seven years without everyone going absolutely crazy.

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