Stesoktun - 1065 by vbraun

Map Description:

The end of the first winter.

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2007-07-03

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Submitted by: 4bh0r53n - 2007-06-24 to 1065

one problem i can see with this fortress is that there is only one bridge spanning the river, this could lead to congestion later on.

Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2007-06-24 to 1065

Even so, 4bh0r53n, that's really easy to fix. I doubt he was going to keep that forever.

Submitted by: 4bh0r53n - 2007-06-25 to 1065

I know, i was just trying to help and give advice

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-06-26 to 1065

There's always space for more bridges =) if he needs them.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-07-03 to 1069

Oh hell. That sucks. If you want to recover the fort, you can try using an anti-flood loop... EVIL CATS. I butcher any stray animals. Pet's I'm ok with, strays should be put down and cooked into stew.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-07-03 to 1069

I like the front of the fort by the way. Were you planning to put fortifications down the front of the mountain? And are those Elephants or Elves just inside the entrance? And whats with the goblins there as well?

Submitted by: vbraun - 2007-07-03 to 1069

No fortifications, but I was hoping for a magma moat, I was almost done digging out the area needed for the bottom half. My main defense was going to be a magma room, which you can see the start of it just below the first waterfall. The plan was that everything to the right of the trade depot would be safe from attack as all the bridges would raise, including the one separating the nobles from the rest of the fort.

Those are Elephants tied down to be part of my defenses. They seem to do something during the first siege, but they're mostly there to show the elephants what happens when they try to cross in front of my fortress.

The goblins were captured from the first siege. I was hoping to place at least put one or two of the goblins from each siege in my entrance.

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