Chambergrave - Chasm Challenge - 1057 Early Spring by nahkh

Map Description:

Turn list:
Turn list:
0st. Akroma [ended due to 2 frames per second]
1nd. NPComplete[ended]
2rd. Snugglebear[ended]
3th. Dopefish[ended]
4th. Nahkh[ended]
5th. Kogam Loloklam[ended]
6th. Fleacircus [ended]
7th. NPComplete
8th. Snugglebear
9th. Dopefish

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2008-03-30

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Submitted by: Fox-Of-Doom - 2008-03-25 to 1055 Early Spring

I really like this fortress; it's a cool idea. I have a question though... Why do you not have more direct routes to your farms? It seems like it would take your farmers a while to get to them.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-03-26 to 1055 Early Spring

Has this got a related link on the bay12games forums?
I like the effort so far, I think I'd be removing the ground from above the chasm to let light in.

Submitted by: Dorten - 2008-03-28 to 1056 Early Spring

Error on step 2 of 7
Error 2032

Submitted by: nahkh_ - 2008-03-30 to 1057 Early Spring

There's a link to this from the chasm challenge thread at

And the farm route has been fixed. At the time I was preoccupied by dragons and tantruming dwarves.

Submitted by: Kogan Loloklam - 2008-03-30 - Removed

Submitted by: Kogan Loloklam - 2008-03-30 - Removed

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SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.


Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2008-03/nahkh-Chambergrave-Canyon_Out-1057-6.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
