Bookdecays - 1052 Early Spring by Panda_

Map Description:

First Fortress after a 2 months pause, now with the Religions included.

The fortress is a mile away from being perfect, but i think the design has some interresting features.

Every level should consist of the same layout (hopefully, good looking and squary), which allows circle addons.

Later, I expect to build outside medieval castle fortifications.

Actually, the fortress has several area under construction:
- Farms
- Animal processing
- Kitchen and Food stockpiles
- Dining Rooms
- Meeting Area
- Barracks level
- Individuals rooms
- Nobles Quarters
- Workshops

Actualities: Immigrants + Individuals rooms + Nobles Quarters

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2008-03-15

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Submitted by: Flok - 2008-03-01 to 1052 Early Spring

I like the layout! The farming fields are set up for maximum effiency. For best efficiency, you might want to put a food stockpile in the center, or perhaps a Z-level up in a constructed room. This way dwarves won't have to travel far to harvest.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-03-06 to 1052 Early Spring

Its a cool layout, me likes. Your dining rooms don't have enough tables for chairs though I think, some chairs overlap on the same table and the dwarves may complain about that. I like the planning and the separation between working, living and storage.

Submitted by: Dorten - 2008-03-14 to 1052 Early Spring


Submitted by: Panda_ - 2008-03-15 to 1053 Early Spring

Thanks Dorten, Markavian` and Flok
Beautiful, but not enough to my mind. Thus i had started the construction of a Temple, hoping some come to pray and offer.
But I was building defences too late. And after a well shut down invader wave, a second successfully sneaked into my fort while i had everyone inside.
Looks like they dodged traps, and they killed a lot civilians. I had 8 (3 as Master skilled) wrestlers, but half died. I was surprised that they were well equiped (iron everywhere).
Moreover, i did't have enough microline to finish the outerwalls. Plus, this is really boring to build the walls on slopes.
All in all, i decided to restart a similar fort elsewhere. As this is my first fort starting this version, and first "good looking" fort, i had good experiences. I will keep those new data in mind to design the new.

[Message edited on 2008/03/15 at 07:05 by Panda_]

[Message edited on 2008/03/15 at 07:05 by Panda_]

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-03-15 to 1053 Early Spring

Cool, look forward to your next fort Panda :)

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