Theaterrock - 1055 Late Summer by MedO

Map Description:

One year later. The first waves of immigrants have arrived, and I'm unsuccessful in trying to occupy them all with something. Maybe I should draft more of them into the military.

Currently, I have a force of two squads of two dwarves each, and gave all of them crossbows. I also built a target range, but somehow I never saw a dwarf training there.

A completely unskilled immigrant immediateld got a fey mood on arrival and created a turtle shell amulet. Maybe it's a measure of the boredom in the fortress until then that the engravings done so far appear to be only portraits and images of clouds and waves.

Two kobold thieves tried to get in (or out?) unnoticed, but my guard at the gate was able to stop them.

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-02-26

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-02-24 to 1054 Mid Autumn

Looks good so far, you may want to use wider corridors inside. When a dwarf turns brown around the outside its because they are lying down for another creature to climb over the top of them...

Submitted by: MedO - 2008-02-26 to 1055 Late Summer

Thank you for the tip, as you can see, I made the corridors wider now. The main problem was that I didn't plan ahead well, so I had to shift the rooms a bit, which means I had to build walls. The distinktion between built walls and smoothed natural walls is a bit annoying imo, since it apparently means that I can't engrave all the dining room walls now.

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