Ringhollow - 1059 Early Winter by Nilocy

Map Description:

I managed to get past the aquifier, and wow... good stuff down there. Lotsa iron and gems and stuff. Sadly... now this is a big annoyance, theres no flux stone, so no steel for me. Our next minor project, bar the massive bridge we're making, is a small gold statue garden. After the bridge is finished, we're planning to dam off the river and make a massive flooded plane to the left of the bridge, and live on the bridge itself when we can. We'll transport magma under the bridge, and have all the water power we need. Good times :P

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-01-07

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Submitted by: leerok - 2008-01-06 to 1059 Early Winter

I really like the bridge. Is it made of dark stone?

Submitted by: Nilocy - 2008-01-07 to 1059 Early Winter

yeah, its all made from obsidian. And im going to make the big upper level outta gold... cause its fun to :D

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