This is my fortress, Sezukastesh, which is Dwarvish for "Slap-cudgels." Founded by an expedition led by our first and current mayor, Äs Alåthrithlut, he is serving his second term.
Sezukastesh is high above a sheer cliff with a brook and a magma vent. We have an indoor pool complete with turtles, with a working well. All the precious mugs for the Mountainhomes are guarded by our very own guard-cow. Additional security provided by our sole axedwarf, Feb Bållorbam. We also have waterless indoor farming, and a steady rum and syrup production. And best of all, Half of the population gets a bed, free of charge!!!
So come in and have a look around, be careful not to step on the sleeping homeless.
This map actually goes 5 levels deeper and 9 levels higher, but they were omitted due to the lack of interesting things on those levels.
There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2007-12-16
Sezukastesh "Slapcudgels"
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to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-08 to 1053 Late Summer
At the base of a twisty series of ramps* ... do you not like using stairs? :) Will you build a barricade across your front entrance? A draw bridge perhaps? Neat fort, good location!
Submitted by: Klokjammer - 2007-12-09 to 1053 Late Summer
I tend to imagine some ramps as a straight flight of stairs, like the the steps in front of the U.S. Capitol. The "twisty ramps" to me are like a larger scale version twisty stairs. But nonetheless, it has the same effects of a straight stairwell in that dwarves seem to instantly traverse them regardless of height.
[Message edited on 2007/12/09 at 04:07 by Klokjammer]
Submitted by: Klokjammer - 2007-12-15 - Removed
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-16 to 1054 Early Winter
Sorry Klokjammer, its better and fixed now!
and sorry, I can read removed comments too :) Hope I didn't cause you too much trouble. Shout if you need anything.
Submitted by: Klokjammer - 2007-12-16 to 1054 Early Winter
It's OK, All I needed to do was restart my web browser. I managed to post it almost a minute after commenting.
Could've been worse, I could've sent you a 4 paragraph badly written email about it. Now that would be embarrassing. :þ