Waterdeep - 1053 Early Spring by matryx

Map Description:

Sadly, not as many blocks were available as I'd hoped. The shelf proved to be further out than anticipated so we've pulled the tunnel a little short of it's target for now. I expect we'll spend the next year or two roofing it properly before we plan to descend into the depths of the lake, but careful / clever mining can always surround the tunnel we have with water on all sides if we wish it.

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2007-12-21

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Submitted by: Idles - 2007-11-19 to 1053 Early Spring

Totally sweet. It's too bad the lake is only 2 z-levels deep, or you could make some totally massive structures.

Submitted by: Flok - 2007-11-19 to 1053 Early Spring

You're missing the point of water:

If he digs down FOR the lake, he can expand it to the lowest level possible!

He could fill the entire damn MAP with water, as ill-advised that may be.

Submitted by: thatguyyaknow - 2007-11-19 to 1053 Early Spring

very good. question, will you stick with green glass or eventually convert over to clear?

Submitted by: matryx - 2007-11-19 to 1053 Early Spring

Clear glass might be used in some areas, but unless I can import Rock Crystals, crystal glass won't be.

And Flok has the right idea, I intend to expand the lake-bed where needed so allow for further underwater "expansion" - I believe the lake already gets filled up from the South and East map edges, but I haven't confirmed that yet.

[Message edited on 2007/11/19 at 07:37 by matryx]

Submitted by: Grantyman - 2007-12-21 to 1054 Early Spring

Wonderful! I don't get why you don't have more comments. You should. I have never tried to build something underwater, but the glass idea is cool! also, I have a question. How do you free up bags for glassmaking? Mine are always full of seeds and the like. Anyway, Great temple!

Submitted by: llamavore - 2007-12-21 to 1054 Early Spring

does the glass actually require reinforcement in-game? or is that just a bit of realism? and i wonder what kind of crops you can grow underwater... or if you can have an aquarium with turtles or larger water fauna and such. keep us updated.

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