Bulwarkcloister - 262 Early Spring by Demosthenes

Map Description:

Progress continues, albeit very slowly due to averaging 10-20 FPS. The wall and guard towers continue, slowly. The main tower continues, but for now it's just a dining room. Eventually it will contain all stockpile, workshop, and living space, in separate towers attached to the main one, but that's gonna take decades.In a throwaway timeline, I discovered that my magma heating tank works, but only if the magma is moving. I have no idea why, but I'm retrofitting my magma heater in such a manner that I can induce flow to melt the reservoir so my doctors can have nearby water all year round. Probably won't keep it on all the time, so it'll still freeze, but at least I'll be able to thaw it. And just in case I draw too much and gum up stirrer, I'll have an outlet above my atomsmasher bridge room, where I can safely either let the excess magma evaporate or pump water onto it to turn it into obsidian.

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