Roughseals-Roughseals - 301 Early Summer by askovdk

Map Description:

First baby, - time to take a bug break.

Point of Interest: Starting fort

- askovdk

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2020-02-06

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Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2020-02-06 to 301 Early Summer

I like the elevated bedrooms! The doors are kinda hard to see, however.

Noticeable walking distances all around.

Looks like the layers are S-S-A-A-stone. The last one gets some flooding from above; might be able to get some waterfall thoughts if you place a portable drain under downstairs on z105.

So many farms; aiming for 250 pop?

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2020-02/askovdk-Roughseals-Roughseals-301-13039.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
