Tomeburies - 139 Early Summer by scourge728

Map Description:

Welp this is the current state of my first fortress with TONS of gold and platinum but no iron.. that is on it's second reclaim, on the first time I made it it died to a goblin attack, the first reclaim died to weresquirrels and we have it now, I also made a few animals war trainable, made platinum usable for things and out of lolz turned cats into adamantine war beasts with molten iron blood...

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2016-08-14

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Submitted by: scourge728 - 2016-08-14 to 139 Early Summer

As you can see we have a crap ton of gold and random other stuff

[Message edited on 2016/08/14 at 12:36 by scourge728]

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-08-14 to 139 Early Summer

I love how you just sort of said, "Fuck it!," and carved out the entire level at your entrance. But, holy shit, what are you going to do with all that stone?!

Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-14 to 139 Early Summer

That is very big.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2016-08/scourge728-Tomeburies-region1-139-10697.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
