Cobaltroots - 759 Early Spring by Tharis

Map Description:

It's a succession fort! Building up, digging down. Details in the POIs.

Point of Interest: Castle, Ground level

This is probably the first castle I've built from a plan, rather than just throwing down some towers and walls. There's more to be done, for sure, and I think the color scheme could be improved (for instance, I've found huuuge quantites of olivine) but it's coming along.

A shame we haven't seen any goblins yet, though you can see the corpse of Bostra the werekoala, and various parts. It has been a very quiet year, militarily speaking.

The hueg growth to the right is eventually going to be a tavern. My vision is for an olivine floor (to mask the vomit) with some standing musical instruments in the rounded off section and some tables and chests. Guest rooms upstairs, with entertainer bedrooms upstairs again. Not sure how I'll roof it over just yet.

The orange "g" is a gila monster, because why not? - Tharis

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